# Webhook class

The Webhook class defines webhook configuration. Once configured, the WebhookClient class is responsible for sending the webhook.

# Properties

A Webhook object has the following properties:

  • $allowRerun: Boolean indicating whether a webhook can be rerun multiple times after the webhook is in a final state (i.e. success or failed).
  • $body: Body of the webhook HTTP request, provided as an array of key-value pairs. The body will be formatted by the BodyFormatterMiddleware (which formats the body as JSON by default).
  • $bodyAsString: Body of the webhook HTTP request, provided as a string. The body will be formatted by the BodyFormatterMiddleware (which formats the body as JSON by default). Note that $bodyAsString takes priority over $body if both are set.
  • $configured: Boolean indicating whether a webhook is configured, meaning that some configure once middleware will not be processed for the webhook, e.g. the event header middleware. See Middleware for more information.
  • $currentAttempt: Current attempt of the webhook.
  • $event: Event descriptor, which will be sent in the Event header of the webhook HTTP request. The Event header is called X-Webhook-Event by default.
  • $extra: Array of extra information pertaining to the webhook.
  • $httpClientOptions: Array of HTTP client options for the webhook HTTP request.
  • $id: A unique identifier for the webhook, which will be sent in the ID header of the webhook HTTP request. The ID header is called X-Webhook-Id by default.
  • $maxAttempt: Maximum number of times to try to send the webhook before giving up.
  • $method: HTTP method to use to send the webhook HTTP request, e.g. PUT. The HTTP method is POST by default.
  • $secret: Secret key which will be used to construct a signature of the webhook HTTP request body that will be sent in the Signature header of the webhook HTTP request. The Signature header is called X-Webhook-Signature by default.
  • $sendAfter: Timestamp after which a webhook may be sent. You can initiate sending of delayed webhooks via the console command easy-webhooks:send-due-webhooks.
  • $sendNow: Boolean indicating that the webhook should be sent synchronously instead of asynchronously. Note that it is the responsibility of your application to retry webhooks if sending synchronously.
  • $status: Status of the webhook, which may be one of failed, failed_pending_retry,pending or success. By default, the initial status is pending.
  • $url: Target URL to send the webhook HTTP request.

# Methods

# Webhook creation methods

A simple create() method is provided by the class that allows you to easily create a webhook if all you need is a URL, as well as an optional request body (provided as an array) and request method.

For example:

// Create simple webhook with limited config
$webhook = Webhook::create('https://eonx.com/webhook', ['event' => 'showcase'], 'PUT');

For more complex situations, the fromArray() method is also available, allowing you to create a webhook with the following parameters:

  • body
  • body_as_string
  • current_attempt
  • event
  • http_options
  • id
  • max_attempt
  • method
  • secret
  • send_after
  • status
  • url

For example:

// Create webhook from array
$webhook = Webhook::fromArray([
    'url' => 'https://eonx.com/webhook',
    'body' => ['event' => 'showcase'],
    'method' => 'PUT',
    'max_attempt' => 5,

The equivalent can also be done by using setters (see below for setter methods):

// Create webhook using fluent setters
$webhook = (new Webhook())
    ->body(['event' => 'showcase'])

Once a webhook has been created, use the WebhookClient::sendWebhook() method to trigger the processing of the webhook and send the webhook HTTP request.

# Getters and setters

The following table summarises the getter and setter methods for a Webhook object's properties:

Property Type Setter Getter
$allowRerun bool allowRerun() isRerunAllowed()
$body array body() getBody()
$bodyAsString string bodyAsString() getBodyAsString()
$configured bool configured() isConfigured()
$currentAttempt int currentAttempt() getCurrentAttempt()
$event string event() getEvent()
$extra array extra() getExtra()
$httpClientOptions array httpClientOptions() getHttpClientOptions()
$id string id() getId()
$maxAttempt int maxAttempt() getMaxAttempt()
$method string method() getMethod()
$secret string secret() getSecret()
$sendAfter DateTime sendAfter() getSendAfter()
$sendNow bool sendNow() isSendNow()
$status string status() getStatus()
$url string url() getUrl()

The $httpClientOptions property can also be manipulated using the following methods:

  • header(): Add HTTP request header to the HTTP client options.
  • headers(): Set the array of HTTP request headers for the HTTP client options.
  • query(): Add HTTP query parameter to the HTTP client options.
  • queries(): Set the array of HTTP query parameters for the HTTP client options.
  • mergeHttpClientOptions(): Merge array of HTTP client options into the existing HTTP client options.

The $extra property can also be manipulated with the mergeExtra() method, which merges an array of extra information into the $extra property.