# Middleware

The EasyWebhook package uses a middleware stack that is processed every time a webhook is sent. Processing of the middleware proceeds down the stack to where the webhook is sent in a HTTP request, and then proceeds back up the stack. Actions may be taken on the way down and/or the way back up.

Middleware are services implementing EonX\EasyWebhook\Interfaces\MiddlewareInterface. This package provides core middleware, but you can also write custom middleware, e.g. to add a custom header to webhook HTTP requests.

The middleware is ordered by priority in the stack, whereby the lower the priority, the earlier in the stack the middleware is placed.

Custom middleware can have priorities between -5000 and 5000. If not specified, the default priority is 0. Some core middleware provided by this package must run before the custom middleware, e.g. to lock the Webhook object, and some core middleware must run after the core middleware, e.g. to send the webhook HTTP request.

# Configure once middleware

Some middleware are configure once middleware. If the webhook is flagged as configured, i.e. its $configured property is true, then configure once middleware will not operate on the webhook.

Note that if a webhook is retrieved from a webhook store, then it is automatically flagged as configured.

# Middleware list

The following middleware are provided by the EasyWebhook package:

# AsyncMiddleware

This middleware checks if the webhook should be sent synchronously. If so, this middleware proceeds with the remaining middleware in the stack. If the webhook should be sent asynchronously, then this middleware stores the webhook and offloads dispatching of the webhook to a framework-specific dispatcher.

Note that the dispatcher will retrieve the webhook from the store and trigger the processing of the middleware stack again. The webhook is flagged as configured due to being retrieved from the store, so configure once middleware will not operate on the webhook.

# BodyFormatterMiddleware

This middleware formats the body of the webhook HTTP request.

By default, this package uses the EonX\EasyWebhook\Formatters\JsonFormatter body formatter, which formats the request body as a JSON string and sets the Content-Type header of the HTTP request to be application/json.

You can use your own body formatter by setting the EonX\EasyWebhook\Interfaces\WebhookBodyFormatterInterface service to your own implementation.

This is configure once middleware.

# EventHeaderMiddleware

This middleware sets the Event header of the webhook HTTP request to the webhook's $event property (if it exists).

The default name of the Event header is X-Webhook-Event, but the name is configurable (see Configuration).

This is configure once middleware.

# EventsMiddleware

This middleware dispatches an event depending on the outcome of the webhook HTTP request. See see Events) for more information.

# HandleExceptionsMiddleware

This middleware catches exceptions that are thrown within the stack and handles them gracefully by returning a failed WebhookResult containing the actual exception.


To prevent an exception to be handled by this middleware, simply implement EonX\EasyWebhook\Interfaces\DoNotHandleMeEasyWebhookExceptionInterface.

# IdHeaderMiddleware

This middleware sets the ID header of the webhook HTTP request to the webhook's $id property (if it exists) or generates a new ID.

The default name of the ID header is X-Webhook-Id, but the name is configurable (see Configuration).

This is configure once middleware.

# LockMiddleware

This middleware locks the Webhook object at the start of middleware processing and unlocks it at the end.

This middleware prevents the same webhook from being sent more than once if there are concurrency issues with multiple workers consuming the asynchronous webhook queue.

# MethodMiddleware

This middleware sets the HTTP method for sending the webhook HTTP request to the webhook's $method property (if it exists) or the method defined in the package configuration (see Configuration). The default method is POST.

This is configure once middleware.

# RerunMiddleware

If the webhook is in a final state (i.e. success or failed), this middleware checks if rerun is allowed for the webhook, and if so, resets its $currentAttempt and its $status to pending, which allows the webhook to be rerun.

This middleware ensures that webhooks will not be rerun after reaching a final state unless explicitly allowed by the webhook.

# ResetStoreMiddleware

This middleware resets the webhook store and webhook results store. See Stores for more information.

This middleware prevents memory issues when sending webhooks asynchronously with stores that use memory for their storage, such as the array stores.

Note that the stores must implement EonX\EasyWebhook\Interfaces\Stores\ResetStoreInterface. Of the stores provided by the EasyWebhook package, only the array stores support reset.

# SendAfterMiddleware

This middleware checks the $sendAfter property of the webhook, and if it exists and is after the current date and time, it simply stores the webhook in the configured store, and does not proceed with any further middleware processing. You can initiate sending of delayed webhooks via the console command easy-webhooks:send-due-webhooks. See Console for more information.

Note that the webhook store must implement EonX\EasyWebhook\Interfaces\Stores\SendAfterStoreInterface in order to be able to find due webhooks. Of the stores provided by the EasyWebhook package, only the Doctrine DBAL webhook store supports finding due webhooks.

# SendWebhookMiddleware

This middleware sends the webhook HTTP request and returns the result in a WebhookResult object.

# SignatureHeaderMiddleware

This middleware sets the Signature header of the webhook HTTP request.

By default, this package uses the EonX\EasyWebhook\Signers\Rs256Signer signer. The header will contain a SHA-256 HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) constructed by hashing the webhook's request body with either the webhook's $secret property (if it exists) or the secret defined in the package configuration (see Configuration).

You can use your own signer by setting the EonX\EasyWebhook\Interfaces\WebhookSignerInterface service to your own implementation.

The default name of the Signature header is X-Webhook-Signature, but the name is configurable (see Configuration).

This is configure once middleware.

# StatusAndAttemptMiddleware

This middleware updates the webhook status and current attempt after a response has been received from the webhook HTTP request.

The current attempt is incremented.

The status can be set to one of:

  • success: The webhook was successfully sent.
  • failed: The webhook sending failed and the webhook has reached the maximum number of attempts allowed
  • failed_pending_retry: The webhook sending failed but the webhook has not reached the maximum number of attempts allowed

# StoreMiddleware

This middleware stores the webhook and webhook result in the configured stores after a response has been received from the webhook HTTP request. See Stores for more information.

# SyncRetryMiddleware

If the webhook was sent synchronously, and it failed, this middleware retries sending the webhook. It provides a simple out-of-the-box solution for handling retries. However, we strongly recommend sending webhooks asynchronously, so your application is not blocked by retries.

# Middleware stack

The following table show the middleware stack in priority order, with summaries of their actions:

Middleware Action forward ⬇️ Action back ⬆️
Begin initial core middleware
LockMiddleware Lock webhook Unlock webhook
StoreMiddleware Store webhook and result
StatusAndAttemptMiddleware Update status and attempt
HandleExceptionsMiddleware Handle exception thrown within the stack
ResetStoreMiddleware Reset webhook and result stores
EventsMiddleware Dispatch event
RerunMiddleware If rerun allowed, reset status and current attempt
If not allowed, throw exception
End initial core middleware
Begin custom middleware
(processed in priority order)
BodyFormatterMiddleware Format request body
EventHeaderMiddleware Set Event request header
IdHeaderMiddleware Set ID request header
SignatureHeaderMiddleware Set Signature request header
Custom middleware Custom pre-processing Custom post-processing
End custom middleware
Begin final core middleware
MethodMiddleware Set request method
SendAfterMiddleware If time is before $sendAfter, store webhook and return up stack
If time is after $sendAfter, continue down stack
AsyncMiddleware If asynchronous, store webhook and return up stack
If synchronous, continue down stack
SyncRetryMiddleware If asynchronous, continue down stack
If synchronous, retries webhook if not successful
SendWebhookMiddleware Send request and return up stack
End final core middleware

# Custom middleware

Custom middleware must implement EonX\EasyWebhook\Interfaces\MiddlewareInterface. However, it may be easier to extend one of the following classes:

  • EonX\EasyWebhook\Middleware\AbstractConfigureOnceMiddleware: For middleware that should not be processed if the webhook is already "configured". Implement the doProcess() method.
  • EonX\EasyWebhook\Middleware\AbstractMiddleware: For middleware that should be processed regardless of whether the webhook is "configured". Implement the process() method.

For example, here is how you would add a custom header to every webhook sent in configure once middleware:

use EonX\EasyWebhook\Interfaces\StackInterface;
use EonX\EasyWebhook\Interfaces\WebhookInterface;
use EonX\EasyWebhook\Interfaces\WebhookResultInterface;

final class MyCustomHeaderMiddleware extends AbstractConfigureOnceMiddleware
    protected function doProcess(WebhookInterface $webhook, StackInterface $stack): WebhookResultInterface
        /* Add custom header */
        $webhook->header('X-My-Header', 'my-value');

        /* Send webhook down stack */
        return $stack
            ->process($webhook, $stack);

This example shows placement of custom pre-processing and post-processing in normal middleware:

use EonX\EasyWebhook\Interfaces\StackInterface;
use EonX\EasyWebhook\Interfaces\WebhookInterface;
use EonX\EasyWebhook\Interfaces\WebhookResultInterface;

final class MyCustomMiddleware extends AbstractMiddleware
    public function process(WebhookInterface $webhook, StackInterface $stack): WebhookResultInterface
        /* Add custom pre-processing */

        /* Send webhook down stack */
        $webhookResult = $stack
            ->process($webhook, $stack);

        /* Add custom post-processing */

        /* Return webhook result up stack */
        return $webhookResult;