# Installation

# Require package (Composer)

The recommended way to install this package is to use Composer (opens new window):

$ composer require eonx-com/easy-bugsnag

# Symfony

# Register bundle

If you're using Symfony Flex (opens new window), then the bundle is automatically registered. If not, you can register the bundle yourself:

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // Other bundles ...

    EonX\EasyBugsnag\Bridge\Symfony\EasyBugsnagSymfonyBundle::class => ['all' => true],

# Configuration

The minimum configuration required is your Bugsnag Integration API key. See Configuration for more information about configuration options.

# Laravel

# Package service provider

In a Laravel application, you must tell your application to use the package. Laravel uses service providers to do this (see Service Providers (opens new window) in the Laravel documentation for more information).

For example:

// config/app.php

'providers' => [
    // Other Service Providers...


# Configuration

The minimum configuration required is your Bugsnag Integration API key. See Configuration for more information about configuration options.

# Lumen

# Register service provider

In a Lumen application you must explicitly tell the application to register the package's service provider as follows:

// bootstrap/app.php

$app = new Laravel\Lumen\Application(\dirname(__DIR__));

// Other actions...


# Configuration

In Lumen, you must explicitly call configure() for the package:

// bootstrap/app.php

$app = new \Laravel\Lumen\Application(\realpath(\dirname(__DIR__)));

// ...


// ...

The minimum configuration required is your Bugsnag Integration API key. See Configuration for more information about configuration options.