# Configuration

You can configure global settings for the EasyBugsnag package via a configuration file in your application.


The only configuration required is the Bugsnag Integration API Key for your project.

# Configuration files

For Laravel applications, the EasyBugsnag configuration file must be called easy-bugsnag.php and be located in the config directory.

For Symfony applications, the EasyBugnag configuration file can be a YAML, XML or PHP file located under the config/packages directory, with a name like easy_bugsnag.<format>. The root node of the configuration must be called easy_bugsnag.

# Configuration options

The common configuration options for Laravel and Symfony are as follows:

Configuration Default Description
enabled true Enable/disable the entire EasyBugsnag package.
api_key N/A Bugsnag Integration API Key of your project.
project_root %kernel.project_dir%/src (Symfony)
\base_path('app') (Laravel)
Project root.
release_stage %env(APP_ENV)% (Symfony)
\env('APP_ENV') (Laravel)
Release stage.
strip_path %kernel.project_dir% (Symfony)
\base_path() (Laravel)
Strip path.
app_name.enabled false Enable/disable APP name data in Bugsnag.
app_name.env_var APP_NAME Env var used by default APP name resolver.
aws_ecs_fargate.enabled false Enable/disable AWS ECS Fargate data in Bugsnag. See AWS ECS Fargate information for more information.
aws_ecs_fargate.meta_url %env(ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4)%/task (Symfony)
\sprintf('%s/task', \env('ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4')) (Laravel)
URL used to fetch AWS ECS Fargate task metadata.
aws_ecs_fargate.meta_storage_filename %kernel.cache_dir%/aws_ecs_fargate_meta.json (Symfony)
\storage_path('aws_ecs_fargate_meta.json') (Laravel)
Filename to cache AWS ECS Fargate task metadata into.
session_tracking.enabled false Enable session tracking. See Session tracking for more information.
session_tracking.cache_expires_after 3600 Expiry for sessions cache in seconds.
session_tracking.exclude_urls [] List of URLs (or regular expression) to exclude from session tracking.
session_tracking.exclude_urls_delimiter # Delimiter used in regular expression to resolve excluded URLs.
use_default_configurators true Enable/disable the default configurators.

Laravel has the following additional configuration option:

Configuration Default Description
session_tracking.cache_store file Cache store used by the default cache implementation provided by the package.
session_tracking.queue_job_count_for_sessions false Enable/disable session tracking for queue jobs.

Symfony has the following additional configuration options:

Configuration Default Description
runtime symfony Set the Symfony runtime.
runtime_version Kernel::VERSION Set the Symfony runtime version.
doctrine_dbal.enabled true Enable SQL query logging (see SQL query logging).
doctrine_dbal.connections ['default'] Connections to log SQL queries for.
session_tracking.cache_directory %kernel.cache_dir% Directory used by the default cache implementation provided by the package.
session_tracking.cache_namespace easy_bugsnag_sessions Namespace used by the default cache implementation provided by the package.
session_tracking.messenger_message_count_for_sessions false Enable/disable session tracking for messenger messages.
worker_info.enabled false Enable/disable worker information data in Bugsnag. See Worker information for more information.

# Example configuration files

# Symfony

In Symfony, you could have a configuration file called easy_bugsnag.yaml that looks like the following:

    enabled: true
    api_key: '%env(BUGSNAG_API_KEY)%'
    project_root: '%kernel.project_dir%/src'
    release_stage: '%env(APP_ENV)%'
    strip_path: '%kernel.project_dir%'
    runtime: 'symfony'
    runtime_version: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel::VERSION
        enabled: true
        meta_url: '%env(ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4)%/task'
        meta_storage_filename: '%kernel.cache_dir%/aws_ecs_fargate_meta.json'
        enabled: true
            - 'default'
        enabled: true
        cache_directory: '%kernel.cache_dir%'
        cache_expires_after: 3600
        cache_namespace: 'easy_bugsnag_sessions'
        exclude_urls_delimiter: '#'
        messenger_message_count_for_sessions: false
        enabled: true
    use_default_configurators: true

# Laravel

In Laravel, the easy-bugsnag.php configuration file could look like the following:


return [
    'enabled' => true,
    'api_key' => \env('BUGSNAG_API_KEY'),
    'project_root' => \base_path('app'),
    'release_stage' => \env('APP_ENV'),
    'strip_path' => \base_path(),
    'aws_ecs_fargate' => [
        'enabled' => true,
        'meta_url' => \sprintf('%s/task', \env('ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4')),
        'meta_storage_filename' => \storage_path('aws_ecs_fargate_meta.json'),
    'session_tracking' => [
        'enabled' => true,
        'cache_expires_after' => 3600,
        'cache_store' => 'file',
        'exclude_urls' => [],
        'exclude_urls_delimiter' => '#',
        'queue_job_count_for_sessions' => false,
    'use_default_configurators' => true,