# Package Service Provider

Once the package required, you must tell your application to use it. Laravel uses service providers to do so, if you are not familiar with this concept make sure to have a look at the documentation (opens new window).

// config/app.php

'providers' => [
    // Other Service Providers...


# Lumen Actions Required

To install this package in a Lumen application the procedures are a bit different.

# Register Service Provider

In a Lumen application you must explicitly tell the application to register the package's service provider as following:

// bootstrap/app.php

$app = new Laravel\Lumen\Application(\dirname(__DIR__));

// Other actions...


# Configuration

// config/easy_random.php


return [
    // Version of UUID to generate
    'uuid_version' => 6, // Default value

You can configure the UUID version to use for the EonX\EasyRandom\Interfaces\UuidGeneratorInterface service. The default value is 6. The possible values are 4 and 6.

The following classes will be used depending on the version you choose:

  • Version 4: EonX\EasyRandom\Bridge\Ramsey\Generators\RamseyUuidV4Generator (the EonX\EasyRandom\Bridge\Symfony\Generators\SymfonyUuidV4Generator class if the "ramsey/uuid" package is not installed)
  • Version 6: EonX\EasyRandom\Bridge\Ramsey\Generators\RamseyUuidV6Generator (the EonX\EasyRandom\Bridge\Symfony\Generators\SymfonyUuidV6Generator class if the "ramsey/uuid" package is not installed)

Of course, you can also create your own generator by implementing the EonX\EasyRandom\Interfaces\UuidGeneratorInterface interface and register it in your service provider.