The Security Component (opens new window) offers the ability to define complex security strategies by using the expressions (opens new window) based on the ExpressionLanguage Component (opens new window).

This package recommends defining your permissions using public constants on an interface as:

namespace App\Security\Interfaces;

interface PermissionsInterface
    public const PERMISSION_OBJECT_CREATE = 'object:create';

Based on the example provided by the Symfony documentation (opens new window), creating an expression to check if the user is granted our permissions we would have to do something like that:

use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Expression;
// ...

public function index()
    $this->denyAccessUnlessGranted(new Expression(
        "is_granted(constant('\\App\\Security\\Interfaces\\PermissionInterface::PERMISSION_OBJECT_CREATE'), object)"

    // ...

It works fine, but it requires you to write the fully qualified name of the constant each time and when used as part of annotations (e.g. on an ApiResource from ApiPlatform) it can break your coding standards because the line is too long...

To simplify all that, this package provides an expression function to help us to use our permissions within expressions.

# Define your permissions locations

In the config, define your permissions locations by providing a list of the classes/interfaces where your permissions are defined:

# config/packages/easy_security.yaml

        - App\Security\Interfaces\PermissionsInterface
        - App\Security\Interfaces\RolesInterface

The package will now know where to look for your permissions.

# Use the function in your expressions

Once the configuration is defined, we just have to use the permission expression function in our expressions and only give it the name of the constant:

use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Expression;
// ...

public function index()
    $this->denyAccessUnlessGranted(new Expression(
-        "is_granted(constant('\\App\\Security\\Interfaces\\PermissionInterface::PERMISSION_OBJECT_CREATE'), object)"
+        "is_granted(permission('PERMISSION_OBJECT_CREATE'), object)"

    // ...