This document describes the steps to use this package into a Laravel (opens new window) and/or Lumen (opens new window) application with the Doctrine ORM (opens new window) implementation.
# Install With Doctrine ORM
For this package install please refer to the related documentation. Regarding Doctrine ORM, we strongly recommend you to use the Laravel Doctrine ORM package (opens new window), please refer to its documentation for its install.
# Usage
# AbstractDoctrineRepository
This package provides you with EonX\EasyRepository\Implementations\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractDoctrineRepository
has everything setup for you to implement the generic ObjectRepositoryInterface
using Doctrine ORM, and take advantage
of the dependency injection. Using this abstraction is completely optional you could create your own, but we recommend
to use it to avoid you doing work already done.
Make sure all your repositories extend it, then you will be able to use the existing methods and/or create your own. To be able to work properly this abstraction will ensure an entity class is provided.
Here is a simple example how to use it:
// app/Repositories/PostRepositoryInterface.php
use App\Database\Entities\Post;
interface PostRepositoryInterface
public function findByTitle(string $title): ?Post;
// app/Repositories/PostRepository.php
use App\Database\Entities\Post;
use EonX\EasyRepository\Implementations\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractDoctrineRepository;
final class PostRepository extends AbstractDoctrineRepository implements PostRepositoryInterface
* Find a post by its title.
* @param string $title The post title
* @return null|\App\Database\Entities\Post
public function findByTitle(string $title): ?Post
// The abstraction provides you the Doctrine Repository for Post::class as a protected property
return $this->repository->findOneBy(['title' => $title]);
* Get entity class managed by the repository.
* @return string
protected function getEntityClass(): string
return Post::class;
# AbstractPaginatedDoctrineOrmRepository
If you need to deal with paginated sets of objects, this package provides you with EonX\EasyRepository\Implementations\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractPaginatedDoctrineOrmRepository
which has everything setup for you. This repository has a dependency on the StartSizeDataInterface
from the eonx/pagination
package so to be able to use it you first need to update your project's dependencies:
$ composer require eonx/pagination
And then don't forget to register the service provider into your application, please refer to the documentation (opens new window).
Once everything setup, the pagination data will be resolved and injected automatically into your repositories. You will
have access to the method public function paginate(?StartSizeDataInterface $startSizeData = null): LengthAwarePaginatorInterface
which will allow you to pass an optional pagination data object, if you don't it will then use the resolved data.
On the top of this public method, this abstraction provides an internal protected function doPaginate(\Doctrine\ORM\Query $query): LengthAwarePaginatorInterface
which allows you to easily paginate any custom query you build.
Here is a simple example how to use it:
// app/Repositories/PostRepositoryInterface.php
use App\Database\Entities\Post;
use EonX\EasyPagination\Interfaces\LengthAwarePaginatorInterface;
interface PostRepositoryInterface
public function getByCategoryPaginatedList(string $category): LengthAwarePaginatorInterface;
// app/Repositories/PostRepository.php
use App\Database\Entities\Post;
use EonX\EasyRepository\Implementations\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractPaginatedDoctrineOrmRepository;
final class PostRepository extends AbstractPaginatedDoctrineOrmRepository implements PostRepositoryInterface
public function getByCategoryPaginatedList(string $category): LengthAwarePaginatorInterface
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder()
->where('p.category = :category')
->setParameter('category', $category)
return $this->doPaginate($query);
* Get entity class managed by the repository.
* @return string
protected function getEntityClass(): string
return Post::class;