Once clients subscribe to topics, they will then receive messages in real time. However, it requires clients to have an active subscription at the time the message is delivered.
So are all the message delivered when a client inactive lost!?
Lucky no! Every real time message are persisted within the EonX Notification service so clients can retrieve them at
later stage and interact with them. Let's see how you can allow clients to do so using the
service in your code.
# Setting the Config on the NotificationClient
The NotificationClientInterface
implementation requires the EonX\EasyNotification\Interfaces\ConfigInterface
successfully interact with the EonX Notification service API.
You can get this ConfigInterface
using the EonX\EasyNotification\Interfaces\ConfigFinderInterface
service, and then
set it on the NotificationClientInterace
using the withConfig()
/** @var \EonX\EasyNotification\Interfaces\ConfigFinderInterface $configFinder */
/** @var \EonX\EasyNotification\Interfaces\NotificationClientInterface $notificationClient */
$config = $configFinder->find('my-api-key', 'my-provider');
Once the config set on the NotificationClient, it will then be used for every following interactions with the EonX Notification service API. In multi-tenancies application it can cause undesired behaviour, so be mindful of how/when you set the Config on the NotificationClient.
Calling the withConfig()
with null
as argument will reset the NotificationClient enforcing to set a new Config
before using the NotificationClient again.
All the following sections will be done assuming the ConfigInterface
is already set
on the NotificationClientInterace
# Retrieve messages
The NotificationClientInterace
allows you to retrieve message for specific topics. Optionally, you can pass an array
of options used by the HTTP client. The Symfony HTTP Client (opens new window) is used, checkout its documentation for the list of
available options.
// src/Http/Controller/NotificationGetMessage.php
namespace App\Http\Controller;
use EonX\EasyNotification\Interfaces\NotificationClientInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
final class NotificationGetMessage
* @var \EonX\EasyNotification\Interfaces\NotificationClientInterface
private $notificationClient;
public function __construct(NotificationClientInterface $notificationClient)
$this->notificationClient = $notificationClient;
public function __invoke(Request $request)
// Please do better in your code! :)
$body = \json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
// Change how many messages to get per page
$options = ['query' => ['perPage' => 100]];
$response = $this->notificationClient->getMessages($body['topics'], $options);
return new JsonResponse([
'items' => $response['items'],
'pagination' => $response['pagination'],
# Update messages status
The NotificationClientInterace
allows you to update the status for specific messages. This is useful for the end user
to mark specific messages as read.
// src/Http/Controller/NotificationUpdateMessage.php
namespace App\Http\Controller;
use EonX\EasyNotification\Interfaces\NotificationClientInterface;
use EonX\EasyNotification\Messages\RealTimeMessage;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
final class NotificationUpdateMessage
* @var \EonX\EasyNotification\Interfaces\NotificationClientInterface
private $notificationClient;
public function __construct(NotificationClientInterface $notificationClient)
$this->notificationClient = $notificationClient;
public function __invoke(Request $request)
// Please do better in your code! :)
$body = \json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
// RealTimeMessage class provides you with constants for each available status
$status = $body['status'] ?? RealTimeMessage::STATUS_READ;
$this->notificationClient->updateMessagesStatus($body['messages'], $status);
return new JsonResponse([], 204);
# Delete messages
The NotificationClientInterace
allows you to delete specific messages. This is useful for the end user
to remove messages from the list.
// src/Http/Controller/NotificationDeleteMessage.php
namespace App\Http\Controller;
use EonX\EasyNotification\Interfaces\NotificationClientInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
final class NotificationDeleteMessage
* @var \EonX\EasyNotification\Interfaces\NotificationClientInterface
private $notificationClient;
public function __construct(NotificationClientInterface $notificationClient)
$this->notificationClient = $notificationClient;
public function __invoke(string $messageId)
return new JsonResponse([], 204);