# Create the configuration file

This package defines the easy-api-token config, so to implement your own configuration simply create the following file:

# config/easy-api-token.php

return [
    // Your config here...

# Configure decoders

Define your decoders under the decoders key in your configuration as:

# config/easy-api-token.php

return [
    'decoders' => [
        'basic' => null, // Built-in decoder for BasicAuth
        'user-apikey' => null, // Built-in decoder for ApiKey

# Built-in Decoders

This package comes with built-in decoders, let's see which ones and how to configure them.

return [
    'decoders' => [
        'chain' => [
            'list' => [

        'basic' => null,
        'user-apikey' => null,
        'jwt-header' => [
            'driver' => 'auth0',
            'options' => [
                'cache_path' => 'path/to/cache', // Optional
                'valid_audiences' => ['id1', 'id2'],
                'authorized_iss' => ['xyz.auth0', 'abc.goog'],
                'private_key' => 'someprivatekeystring', // Required only for HS256
                'allowed_algos' => ['HS256', 'RS256'],
        'jwt-param' => [
            'driver' => 'firebase',
            'options' => [
                'algo' => 'HS256',
                'allowed_algos' => ['HS256', 'RS256'],
                'leeway' => 15,
                'param' => 'authParam',
                'private_key' => 'someprivatekeystring',
                'public_key' => 'somepublickeystring',