This package allows you to create and configure Monolog Loggers (opens new window) in centralised and reusable way:

  • Configure channels using PHP
  • Control Handlers and Processors order
  • Integration with popular frameworks (e.g. Laravel, Symfony)
  • Discover Handlers and Processors automatically in your application

# Require package (Composer)

The recommended way to install this package is to use Composer (opens new window):

$ composer require eonx-com/easy-logging

# Usage

Here is a simple example on how to use the LoggerFactoryInterface to create loggers:

// Instantiate the logger factory manually or use DI ...

$default = $loggerFactory->create(); // Calling create without arguments will create logger for default channel

$console = $loggerFactory->create('console'); // Create logger for console channel specifically

# Usage in Framework

The different bridge provided by this package will by default register the logger for your default channel in the service container under the following service ids:

  • Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
  • logger

You can then use dependency injection anywhere you like!

Thanks to Autowiring via setters (opens new window) in Symfony, you can use \EonX\EasyLogging\Bridge\Symfony\Traits\LoggerAwareTrait to simplify the injection of Psr\Log\LoggerInterface.

# Logger Configuration

The LoggerFactoryInterface allows you to set different collections of "config providers", each config can define:

  • channels: if defined the config will be applied only to given channels, if null the config will be applied to all channels
  • priority: define the order each config must be set on the logger instance, higher the priority later the config will be added to the logger instance

# HandlerConfig

The HandlerConfigInterface allows you to configure \Monolog\Handler\HandlerInterface to be set loggers created by the factory. Like other configs, it allows you to specify a list of channels this handler is for and, also a priority to control when the handler must be executed.

To tell the logger factory about your HandlerConfigInterface, you must use a HandlerConfigProviderInterface. The logger factory accepts a collection of providers via the setHandlerConfigProviders() method:

use EonX\EasyLogging\LoggerFactory;

$handlerConfigProviders = [];

// Add your own handler config providers to $handlerConfigProviders ...

$loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();

// Set your handler config providers on the logger factory

Here is a simple example of a HandlerConfigProviderInterface to register a StreamHandler:

namespace App\Logger;

use EonX\EasyLogging\Config\HandlerConfig;
use EonX\EasyLogging\Interfaces\Config\HandlerConfigProviderInterface;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

final class StreamHandlerConfigProvider implements HandlerConfigProviderInterface
     * @return iterable<\EonX\EasyLogging\Interfaces\Config\HandlerConfigInterface>
    public function handlers(): iterable
         * This method returns an iterable to make it easier to handle complex handler configs definition
         * But you can simply return an array if you want.

        yield new HandlerConfig(new StreamHandler('php://stdout'));

# ProcessorConfig

The ProcessorConfigInterface allows you to configure \Monolog\Processor\ProcessorInterface to be set loggers created by the factory. Like other configs, it allows you to specify a list of channels this handler is for and, also a priority to control when the handler must be executed.

To tell the logger factory about your ProcessorConfigInterface, you must use a ProcessorConfigProviderInterface. The logger factory accepts a collection of providers via the setProcessorConfigProviders() method:

use EonX\EasyLogging\LoggerFactory;

$processorConfigProviders = [];

// Add your own processor config providers to $handlerConfigProviders ...

$loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();

// Set your processor config providers on the logger factory

Here is a simple example of a ProcessorConfigProviderInterface to register a TagProcessor:

namespace App\Logger;

use EonX\EasyLogging\Config\ProcessorConfig;
use EonX\EasyLogging\Interfaces\Config\ProcessorConfigProviderInterface;
use Monolog\Processor\TagProcessor;

final class TagProcessorConfigProvider implements ProcessorConfigProviderInterface
     * @return iterable<\EonX\EasyLogging\Interfaces\Config\ProcessorConfigInterface>
    public function processors(): iterable
         * This method returns an iterable to make it easier to handle complex processor configs definition
         * But you can simply return an array if you want.

        yield new ProcessorConfig(new TagProcessor(['tag-1', 'tag-2']));

# LoggerConfigurator

The \Monolog\Logger class has methods allowing you to configure it even more (e.g. using microseconds). To deal with that, the logger factory accepts a collection of LoggerConfiguratorInterface.

To tell the logger factory about your LoggerConfiguratorInterface, you must call the setLoggerConfigurators() method:

use EonX\EasyLogging\LoggerFactory;

$loggerConfigurators = [];

// Add your own logger configurators to $loggerConfigurators ...

$loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();

// Set your logger configurators on the logger factory

Here is a simple example of a LoggerConfiguratorInterface to use microseconds:

namespace App\Logger;

use EonX\EasyLogging\Config\AbstractLoggingConfig;
use EonX\EasyLogging\Interfaces\Config\LoggerConfiguratorInterface;
use Monolog\Logger;

final class UseMicrosecondsLoggerConfigurator extends AbstractLoggingConfig implements LoggerConfiguratorInterface
    public function configure(Logger $logger) : void